Appomattox River Trail

Photo Courtesy of Virginia Outdoors Foundation
Appomattox River Trail Gains Ground

Photo Courtesy of Virginia Outdoors Foundation
The Virginia Outdoors Foundation recently completed its first conservation project in the City of Petersburg—an open-space easement on 4.8 acres owned by Friends of the Lower Appomattox River (FOLAR).
FOLAR’s acquisition is a critical component in the development of the Appomattox River Trail. When completed, the trail will be more than 25 miles long, connecting diverse historical, cultural, and physiographic areas, stretching from Lake Chesdin in the Piedmont to the James River in the Coastal Plain, where it will connect to historic City Point National Park in the City of Hopewell.
The acquisition and easement were supported by a $159,000 grant from VOF’s Preservation Trust Fund. The easement requires that the property be permanently accessible to the public for outdoor recreation and education. FOLAR plans to convey the property to the City of Petersburg to add to adjoining public land after trail work is completed.
Land Conservation Partners
Virginia Outdoors Foundation
Friends of the Lower Appomattox River
City of Petersburg