Conoy Wetlands Nature Preserve

Photo Courtesy of Brandon Tennis

New Additions and Projects

Photo Courtesy of Lancaster Conservancy

Located on the banks of the Susquehanna River, the Conoy Wetlands Nature Preserve provides a recreational opportunity and natural getaway for residents of Central PA and visitors to the region. On May 10, 2019, the Lancaster Conservancy expanded the Preserve through the acquisition of 49 acres of woodland and wetlands just downriver. The newly preserved land protects a critical section of the Northwest River Trail, a public recreational trail connecting the two properties.

Additionally, the Lancaster Conservancy launched the Falmouth Forest Garden, the first forest garden on publicly-accessible natural lands in Pennsylvania. The garden boasts 20 native crop-producing species and various native groundcovers to educate visitors on regenerative agroforestry as a natural land management strategy. The project demonstrates how to increase the land’s biodiversity and carrying capacity by incorporating native perennial crops into the landscape.

Both successes highlight the importance of public access and education in improving habitat sustainability, developing climate resilience, and maintaining the region’s quality of life.

Photo Courtesy of Michelle Johnsen