Finger Lakes Land Donation

Photo Courtesy of Scott Levine
Scenic Landscape Preserved
On July 23, 2019, the Finger Lakes Land Trust received a donation of approximately 140 acres of land and a 15-acre conservation easement from conservationist, Dr. Anne Boyer. The property, which hosts breathtaking 30-mile views of the surrounding landscape and borders the Finger Lakes Trail, will become a public conservation area. Protection of these parcels is crucial for wildlife as they enhance the habitat connectivity of other conserved lands around the highly valued trout stream, Owego Creek.
The property’s protection is significant regionally as well, as the property constitutes one more jewel in The Emerald Necklace – a network of conserved lands aimed at linking 50,000 acres of public land around Ithaca, NY. The Emerald Necklace encompasses many miles of locally and federally designated trails and nature areas vital to the sustained quality of life of this and future generations.